Toddler Ruins Vacation for Child-Hating Friend? 👶🏖️😡

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🌴 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of a group getaway gone wrong. 😬 Meet our cast of characters: a young couple, their adorable toddler, and a friend who's not exactly a fan of little ones. 👶 When plans change last minute and the kid-free compromise falls through, tensions rise and friendships are put to the test. 🙅‍♀️ Get ready for a wild ride filled with ultimatums, icy silences, and a whole lot of drama! 🍿

🌴 A Group Getaway Gone Wrong? 😬

Plastic_Tea2094 | Plastic_Tea2094

👶 Baby Blues: One Friend's Aversion to Kids 🙅‍♀️

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🏖️ Beach House Bonanza: A Kid-Friendly Compromise? 🤔

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🚫 No Kids Allowed? Zoe's Ultimatum 😤

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👨‍👩‍👦 A Change of Plans: Sam's Solo Adventure 🎒

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🐣 Chickenpox Throws a Wrench in the Works 🤒

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👵 Grandma's Out of Town: Now What? 😰

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😡 Zoe's Ultimatum: Leave the Kid or Else! 🚫

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👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The Group Takes Sides: Team Sam for the Win! 🙌

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🕵️‍♀️ Mission: Avoid Sam at All Costs 🔍

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🎉 A Not-So-Happy Reunion 😒

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🙅‍♀️ The Silent Treatment: Zoe's Icy Aftermath ❄️

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😔 Guilt Trip: Angie's Second Thoughts 💭

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🏖️ Beach House Blowup: Was Bringing the Baby a Bust? 😬

Well, well, well... looks like this beach house bonanza turned into a full-blown baby blues blowout! 💥 Our young couple found themselves in a sticky situation when their kid-averse friend, Zoe, demanded a tot-free trip. 🙅‍♀️ But with no babysitter in sight, they had to bring their little bundle of joy along for the ride. 👶 Cue the cold shoulders, silent treatments, and Instagram unfollows! ❄️ Now, the question on everyone's mind: did these parents make a beach bummer of a decision, or was Zoe being a bit of a baby herself? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this sandy scandal! 🌊

Last minute changes in plans, child-hating friend, and a toddler.

YouthNAsia63 | YouthNAsia63

NTA! Zoe's double standard is bogus. Negative feelings = toxic friendship 👍

owls_and_cardinals | owls_and_cardinals

Friend's child-hating attitude ruined vacation, not toddler. NTA. 👍🏻

AllAFantasy30 | AllAFantasy30

Child-hating friend complains about toddler on vacation. NTA claps back. 👏

RachSlixi | RachSlixi

Being child-free is fine, being rude about it isn't. 🙅‍♀️👶

evil-mouse | evil-mouse

NTA. Friend hates your child, cut her out of life. 😡

MelissaIsBBQing | MelissaIsBBQing

Respectful guide for those who 'hate kids' 🙏

hiketheworld2 | hiketheworld2

Child-hating friend gets what she deserved. NTA 👏

Ratfinkz13 | Ratfinkz13

NTA but friend lacks empathy for changing plans. 🙅🏻

MapleTheUnicorn | MapleTheUnicorn

Self-centered friend throws tantrum over toddler on vacation. 🙄

SquallkLeon | SquallkLeon

NTA stands up against child-hating friend 👏

leswill315 | leswill315

Child-hating friend overreacts to vacation plans with toddler. NTA.

Deep_Mood_7668 | Deep_Mood_7668

Friend excludes OP's toddler from vacation, gets cut off. 👶🏖️😡

SatelliteBeach123 | SatelliteBeach123

Friend's child-hating tantrum ruins vacation. NTA takes stand. 👏

Upstairs_Seaweed7223 | Upstairs_Seaweed7223

Assertive response to friend's unreasonable request. 👍

atealein | atealein

Child-hating friend outvoted, can't blame parents for bringing kids. 🚫

No-Locksmith-8590 | No-Locksmith-8590

NTA for vacation but YTA for hiding kid from friend 😓

Jmfroggie | Jmfroggie

Addressing kid-phobia: NTA for exposing friends to toddlers. 👶🏖️

Bookssportsandwine | Bookssportsandwine

NTA. Zoe should have known better. 🙌

Mohomed28 | Mohomed28

Childless friend needs to accept last-minute childcare issues. NTA 👍

Joopaboop | Joopaboop

Friend hates kids but agrees to vacation with kid, blames friend.

ADawg28 | ADawg28

Toxic friend cuts off parents for bringing their well-behaved son. NTA!

Apprehensive-Fee-967 | Apprehensive-Fee-967

Child-hating friend overreacts to toddler's presence. NTA.

HellaShelle | HellaShelle

Child-free friend gets upset with a child being a child 😒

mikesbabymomma81 | mikesbabymomma81

Friend shuts down child-hating Zoe's last-minute babysitting demand. 👏

No-Anything-4440 | No-Anything-4440

Friends who hate kids are weirdos 🤯, NTA for avoiding them

abynew | abynew

Agreed guest, short notice. NTA for denying friend's expectations. 🙌

CrabbiestAsp | CrabbiestAsp

Friend hates kids, but blames parent for bringing child on vacation 🤷🏻‍♀️

Goalie_LAX_21093 | Goalie_LAX_21093

Friend hates kids, not your fault. Not the a**hole. 👍

Outside-Parfait-8935 | Outside-Parfait-8935

NTA defends bringing child on vacation, friend agreed to children.

TemptingPenguin369 | TemptingPenguin369

Friend shames parent for bringing child on vacation. Good riddance! 😡

NickZazu | NickZazu

ChildFreeTM friend ruins own vacation, NTA stands firm. 👏

QBaseX | QBaseX

NTA - Friend's child-hating problem is not your problem. Let Zoe have her tantrums and move on. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Spirited-Meringue759 | Spirited-Meringue759

Child-free friend regrets going on vacation with a toddler. 😔

Nadril | Nadril

Friend demands too much, learns world doesn't revolve around her. 😊

Caythleen | Caythleen

Changed my mind after reading the text. Zoe was salty. NTA 👍

lambsendbeds | lambsendbeds

Selfish friend unfollows wife over toddler on vacation. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Excellent_Craft1138 | Excellent_Craft1138

Child-hating friend gets what they deserve. NTA 👏

BigL420blazer | BigL420blazer

Friend is child-hating, NTA suggests therapy or getting over it. 👶🏖️

wineandsmut | wineandsmut

Child-free friend can't ruin vacation for everyone. NTA.

rebootsaresuchapain | rebootsaresuchapain

Standing up for parental responsibility and calling out toxic behavior.

angel2hi | angel2hi

Don't let a child-hating friend ruin your family vacation. NTA 😊

aledethanlast | aledethanlast

Child-hating friend should've cancelled or sucked it up. NTA 🤷🏼‍♀️

Ojos_Claros | Ojos_Claros

Selfish friend behaves like a toddler 👶🏖️😡

Judgmental_puffer | Judgmental_puffer

NTA, friend acted childish for changing her mind about kids.

Kitastrophe8503 | Kitastrophe8503

Child-free friend learns vacation with kids is unavoidable. NTA.

Aggressive_Today_492 | Aggressive_Today_492

Self-obsessed friend can't handle toddler, NTA 🙅‍♀️

curious-by-moon | curious-by-moon

Friend is NTA, needs new friends who don't have families 👶🏖️

itammya | itammya

Friend's unreasonable demands baffle commenter, sparks no replies.

fizzyoak | fizzyoak

Standing up to controlling friend, NTA wins the day 💯

th0ughtfull1 | th0ughtfull1

Friend drops out last minute, blames kid for ruining vacation. NTA 🙅‍♀️

WhiteKnightPrimal | WhiteKnightPrimal

Being childfree can be lonely, but that's not OP's problem 🙏

Underarmoury89 | Underarmoury89

Dump your intolerant friend Zoe, she's petty af. NTA.

macimom | macimom

Recognizing kids as human beings is basic empathy. #NTA

InvestigatorFew1981 | InvestigatorFew1981

NTA defends kids against child-hating friend 👶🏖️😡

Ok_Birdy | Ok_Birdy

Why be friends with someone who dislikes your child? 🤔

Sad-Significance8045 | Sad-Significance8045

Friend hates kids but hangs out with parents? Her problem 😡

Someoneorsomewhere | Someoneorsomewhere

Don't hate kids and expect others to cater to you. NTA 👍

CafeConCajeta | CafeConCajeta

NTA calls out child-hating friend's entitled behavior 👶🏖️😡

constantlyconfusedS | constantlyconfusedS

Navigating the transition to parenthood while maintaining friendships 👥👮

EyeRollingNow | EyeRollingNow

Friend hates kids, but is being extra AF. Reconsider friendship? 😒

Late-Bug7045 | Late-Bug7045

NTA! Zoe sucks and it's time to make new friends. 👍

candiebelle | candiebelle

👶🚫 Friend hates your child? Time to end that toxic relationship. NTA.

gildedglitter | gildedglitter

Friend complains about kids, gets upset when not considered. NTA 😊

tryintobgood | tryintobgood

Childfree commenter sympathizes with OP and criticizes unreasonable friend.

ScrembledEggs | ScrembledEggs

👏 Standing up for yourself and children against child-hating friend

walls_of_the_cave | walls_of_the_cave

NTA defends kids' place in society against child-hating friend 👶🏖️

WasabiDifferent4464 | WasabiDifferent4464

NTA gets approval for son, friend complains, maybe jealousy?

AggravatingSundae989 | AggravatingSundae989

NTA comment: Friend blames children for everything, not worth keeping 👍

orangeupurple1 | orangeupurple1

Friend is not worth keeping if she hates your child 👶🏖️😡

suspicious-pepper-31 | suspicious-pepper-31

Why be friends with someone who hates your child? NTA 👍

Possible-Ad3406 | Possible-Ad3406

Avoid child-hating 'friend' at all costs, you're NTA 👍

mdb_33 | mdb_33

Child-free friend ruins vacation with toddler phobia. NTA.

lejosdecasa | lejosdecasa

Child-hating friend gets roasted for being a psycho 🤪

thatdarncat101 | thatdarncat101

Friend hates children, ruins vacation. OP NTA for bringing toddler 👶🏖️

Trevena_Ice | Trevena_Ice

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