Autistic Daughter's PAINFUL Struggle Leads to Mom's Impossible Choice 💔😢

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Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a juicy family drama brewing that's sure to get your blood boiling! 😡 Meet Layla, a 19-year-old with profound autism, and her devoted mom who's just trying to do what's best for her daughter. 💔 But when birth control enters the picture, all hell breaks loose! 🔥 Get ready for a wild ride filled with painful periods, family feuds, and a whole lot of questioning. 🤔 Can this mom navigate the treacherous waters of parenting an autistic teen while fending off judgmental relatives? Let's dive in and find out! 👀

🚨 Family Drama Alert: Birth Control Battle Erupts! 😱

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

😢 Monthly Misery: Autistic Teen's Painful Periods

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

🩸 Bleeding, Cramping, Confusion: A Teen's Torment

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

😖 Cramps, Communication Struggles: A Parent's Nightmare

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

😭 Painful Periods = Messy Situation for Mom & Daughter

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

💊 Birth Control Blessing: Skipping Cycles, Improving Moods

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

😌 Therapist's Take: Irregular Cycles Caused Anxiety

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🍴 Lunchtime Bombshell: SIL's Shocking Reaction

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😲 SIL's Outrage: 'You're Taking Away Her Autonomy!'

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🤬 Ranting & Raving: SIL's Fertility Fears Explode

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

🤷‍♀️ Autism Misunderstanding? SIL's Lack of Grasp

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

📱 Texting Trouble: SIL Shames Dad Over Daughter's BC

Late-Comb11 | Late-Comb11

🤔 Birth Control Battle: Mom Starts to Question Herself

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🚨 Birth Control Battle Royale: Autism, Autonomy & Angry Relatives! 😱

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a good old-fashioned family feud! 🍿 This poor mom is just trying to do right by her autistic daughter, but her SIL is having NONE of it. 😤 Apparently, putting Layla on birth control to manage her painful periods is akin to stripping away her autonomy! 🙄 Never mind the fact that it's improved her quality of life and eased her anxiety. 🤷‍♀️ Now the whole fam is getting involved, and the insults are flying faster than a toddler's tantrum! 😂 But hey, who needs peace and understanding when you can have a good old-fashioned Facebook shaming sesh, right? 🤳 Let's see what the internet has to say about this hot mess of a situation! 🔥

Support for hysterectomy to improve quality of life for daughter 👍

burlesque_nurse | burlesque_nurse

Don't let ignorant family members make medical decisions for you. 🙅‍♀️

Glinda-The-Witch | Glinda-The-Witch

Advocating for an autistic person's reproductive health is important ✊

MrsDukat | MrsDukat

Making tough choices with doctors' help, NTA 👍

DaniCapsFan | DaniCapsFan

Mom defends medical decision for autistic daughter, NTA.

sandtigeress | sandtigeress

Protecting an autistic child from trauma is priority. NTA. 👏

Anya1823 | Anya1823

SIL should mind her own business. NTA wins!

CakeZealousideal1820 | CakeZealousideal1820

Distressing periods and pregnancy for a mentally 4-year-old daughter 😔

discountbinmario | discountbinmario

Periods are hell for autistic kids; BC may be necessary. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Insensitive SIL cares more about being right than understanding struggles.

praegressus1 | praegressus1

Suggesting permanent birth control for an autistic daughter? 🤔

mustang19671967 | mustang19671967

Standing up for your child against a misguided relative 👏

JTD177 | JTD177

Setting boundaries with in-laws regarding autistic daughter's privacy 🧩

[deleted] | [deleted]

Consulting daughter's doctors first shows true understanding. SIL needs humility.

Affectionate-Plan187 | Affectionate-Plan187

Defending decision to give autistic daughter birth control. 🔥

Bad2bBiled | Bad2bBiled

Understanding high and low support needs in autism 🤔

caffeinatedpixie | caffeinatedpixie

Autistic commenter defends mom's choice to protect daughter's autonomy 👏

ilove-squirrels | ilove-squirrels

Defending a mom's tough decision against judgmental family member 👊

Sharp_Replacement789 | Sharp_Replacement789

NTA, commenter supports parent's decision and tells off SIL 👏

HikerTom | HikerTom

Mom receives backlash for decision regarding daughter's autism treatment. NTA.

MNConcerto | MNConcerto

Supportive comment from a fellow guardian of an autistic child.

kibblet | kibblet

Supportive ABA therapist praises mother's decision to help autistic daughter 👏👏👏

RokPperSisrLizrdSpoc | RokPperSisrLizrdSpoc

Supportive comment from someone who works with kids with disabilities.

CDSherwood | CDSherwood

Respect daughter's privacy, explore other causes of pain. 💊👩‍⚕️

threefrogsonalog | threefrogsonalog

Controversial comment sparks debate on permanent sterilization vs birth control 🤔

Martha90815 | Martha90815

Legal capacity and medical decisions for severely autistic adults. 👨‍🌾

Expression-Little | Expression-Little

Unwelcome SIL gets sassy response for overstepping boundaries 🤩

Old_Crow13 | Old_Crow13

Mother's difficult decision regarding daughter's medical treatment receives support 🤝

Any_Syrup1606 | Any_Syrup1606

Prioritize professional advice over in-laws' opinions for Layla's sake 👍

peanutandbaileysmama | peanutandbaileysmama

Taking away autonomy? NTA's SIL logic backfires 😍

pepperpat64 | pepperpat64

As a caretaker, it's your responsibility to make tough choices 💪

XBlackSunshineX | XBlackSunshineX

Controversial suggestion of ovary removal sparks debate 🤔

Chipchop666 | Chipchop666

Setting boundaries for a developmentally challenged person is okay. NTA 👍

kevin_ramage89 | kevin_ramage89

Pediatric nurse defends mother's decision to put daughter on birth control 🩺💊

bagladybohemian | bagladybohemian

Parents make decision to help their daughter in pain. NTA 👍

BeBa420 | BeBa420

Protecting her well-being: NTA for giving daughter birth control. 💊

messy_tuxedo_cat | messy_tuxedo_cat

NTA. Daughter's painful periods led to mom's impossible choice 😢

noonecaresat805 | noonecaresat805

Cutting out toxic family members: NTA wins support 👏

mad0666 | mad0666

NTA. Commenter defends mother's choice and calls out critics.

happytortoise30 | happytortoise30

Don't share your struggles with unsupportive friends. #NTA

heartofom | heartofom

Care team supports mom's decision, SIL can f**k off 👍

IamtheRealDill | IamtheRealDill

Preventing unwanted pregnancy when kids can't make adult decisions 😢

fed_up_with_humanity | fed_up_with_humanity

Asking the tough questions about fertility and autism. NTA.

bogo0814 | bogo0814

Compassionate response to mom's impossible choice 👏

Apprehensive-Rain784 | Apprehensive-Rain784

NTA - Parents making tough medical decisions for their child 👍

anon_notanon | anon_notanon

Defending a special needs mom against unsolicited criticism 💪

everellie | everellie

Mother makes tough medical decision for autistic daughter. She's NTA 👏

Top-Inspector2552 | Top-Inspector2552

A supportive comment applauding a mother's difficult decision. 💙

icantfindausernamegr | icantfindausernamegr

Expertise vs Overstepping: Family Conflict over Autistic Daughter's Health 😢

NellieLovettMeatPies | NellieLovettMeatPies

Difficult decision for a parent witnessing their child's pain. 💔

Bl8675309 | Bl8675309

Parents' tough decision on daughter's birth control sparks agreement.

Electrical-Ad-1798 | Electrical-Ad-1798

SIL's invasive behavior causes harm. Birth control is necessary. 🤨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Uninformed SIL thinks autistic daughter will have pregnancies? NTA mom.

Proud_Ad_8830 | Proud_Ad_8830

Dealing with ignorance in family. Sometimes silence is golden.

uprssdthwrngbttn | uprssdthwrngbttn

NTA. SIL's virtue signaling is BS. You made the right decision 👍

petulafaerie_III | petulafaerie_III

Expert praises practice for individuals with disabilities, advises to ignore SIL.

Professional-Raise94 | Professional-Raise94

Tragic situation where a parent had to make a tough call 😢

ServantofShemhazai | ServantofShemhazai

Difficult decision made with Layla's best interest in mind. NTA 👍

Nickidewbear | Nickidewbear

Birth control helps protect fertility, SIL is incorrect. NTA 👍

SourNnasty | SourNnasty

Defending a mother's medical decision for her disabled daughter 🤝

rainbowsforall | rainbowsforall

Difficult but responsible decision made with compassion 👏

247Justice | 247Justice

Explaining the ethical dilemma faced by the mother. 🤔

basketballwife | basketballwife

Skipping periods is reasonable and NTA is justified 👍


SIL criticized mom's decision but won't help with daughter's pain 😒

Here_WolfyWolfyWolfy | Here_WolfyWolfyWolfy

Heartbreaking struggle of caring for severely autistic daughter's menstruation 😢

RoseDeBleu | RoseDeBleu

Birth control isn't just contraception, it's medicine 💊. Don't let ignorance shame you.

gwen21420 | gwen21420

Protecting daughter's privacy on birth control while being an understanding parent 👍

redfancydress | redfancydress

Protecting daughter's autonomy, regulating cycles, and retaining routines. 👏

MissFortunateOne | MissFortunateOne

Supportive comment suggests partial hysterectomy for daughter's painful struggle.

WaterElefant | WaterElefant

Misinformation about birth control sparks criticism and disbelief.

Constant_Dirt_43 | Constant_Dirt_43

Sil's lack of understanding of autism leads to NTA decision 👏

Mentalcomposer | Mentalcomposer

Defending a child's well-being against an ignorant SIL 👊

asiaheather81 | asiaheather81

Mother defends decision to put daughter on medication for health reasons.

SuzeCB | SuzeCB

Making tough decisions for loved ones on the spectrum 👏

CyberTurtle95 | CyberTurtle95

Mother shares how birth control helped her autistic daughter. NTA.

amysthia | amysthia

Supportive comment on difficult choice for daughter's health 🙌

Queen_Aurelia | Queen_Aurelia

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